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About Lucid Dreaming

Glass Buildings
Our story

A lucid dream is a type of dream produced by the subconscious and in which the conscious takes part in where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream environment, narrative, and characters; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as a lucid one.Lucid dreaming is considered safe, but there are some side-effects for people with mental health disorders. These include: Sleep problems. Since lucid dreaming techniques purposely interrupt your sleep,,they can cause risks to people who have mental disorders.Lucid dreaming can be triggered with a various of techniques,but if you're especially trained to do it,then it has no hassle and it can be induced easily.I'm pretty sure all of you have either had a lucid dream in the past or will come at least once in the upcoming future.


The forums is what you will be using in this site to learn about lucid dreaming,ask any questions,and *we* will answer it! As soon as this website is published,I will post threads and topics on how to lucid dream.


NOTE : The mobile website version is different to the website version on desktop/PC.

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